Monday, November 2, 2009

Do Something about Health Care Bill!

Madam Speaker Pelosi's bill apparently is set for a vote this Friday.
Today, I sent off letters to all blue-dog Democrats in the House, stating that we (DH and I) would work to defeat him or her by monetarily supporting any conservative candidate if they voted for this bill.
Why is this so important to me?
First and foremost, I believe this to be an unconstitutional invasion of our rights and of our economy.
Unlike Mrs. Pelosi, this is NOT a trivial question. She replies with an incredulous "Are you serious?" Yes, Mrs. Pelosi, we, the people, are serious.
The Constitution is our rule of law. It is what makes our country a democratic republic, not a totalitarian or dictatorship government. And unlike many other countries which claim to be democracies, but don't actually follow their constitutions, we historically have followed our laws. Which makes us very special indeed.
You should be proud of living in the good ol' US of A.
Second, this will go a long ways to destroying our economy. Before you think this isn't nearly as important as our Constitution--think again.
Our freedom is based MAINLY on economic freedom. Because we can own our livelihood, our homes, our government (yes, we have the right to hire and fire our government leaders), our health insurance--we are free. Economic freedom is a cornerstone of a free democracy.

Call, write, do something to let your elected officials know your feelings.

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