Monday, November 9, 2009

Health Care Bill Votes

The following list is of those Democrats who bravely voted as their constituents asked them. They did not cave to other Democrats, Madame Pelosi, or President Obama. I'd like to suggest that you write a "thank you" note to these men and women for representing their voters.
(And, BTW, hanging on to their jobs!)

Democrats Voting 'Nay'
Rep. John Adler [D, NJ-3]
Rep. Jason Altmire [D, PA-4]
Rep. Brian Baird [D, WA-3]
Rep. John Barrow [D, GA-12]
Rep. John Boccieri [D, OH-16]
Rep. Dan Boren [D, OK-2]
Rep. Frederick Boucher [D, VA-9]
Rep. Allen Boyd [D, FL-2]
Rep. Bobby Bright [D, AL-2]
Rep. Ben Chandler [D, KY-6]
Rep. Travis Childers [D, MS-1]
Rep. Lincoln Davis [D, TN-4]
Rep. Artur Davis [D, AL-7)
Rep. Thomas Edwards [D, TX-17]
Rep. Barton Gordon [D, TN-6]
Rep. Parker Griffith [D, AL-5]
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin [D, SD-0]
Rep. Tim Holden [D, PA-17]
Rep. Larry Kissell [D, NC-8]
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas [D, FL-24]
Rep. Frank Kratovil [D, MD-1]
Rep. Dennis Kucinich [D, OH-10]
Rep. Betsy Markey [D, CO-4]
Rep. James Marshall [D, GA-8]
Rep. Eric Massa [D, NY-29]
Rep. Jim Matheson [D, UT-2]
Rep. Mike McIntyre [D, NC-7]
Rep. Michael McMahon [D, NY-13]
Rep. Charles Melancon [D, LA-3]
Rep. Walter Minnick [D, ID-1]
Rep. Scott Murphy [D, NY-20]
Rep. Glenn Nye [D, VA-2]
Rep. Collin Peterson [D, MN-7]
Rep. Mike Ross [D, AR-4]
Rep. Heath Shuler [D, NC-11]
Rep. Ike Skelton [D, MO-4]
Rep. John Tanner [D, TN-8]
Rep. Gene Taylor [D, MS-4]
Rep. Harry Teague [D, NM-2]

And about the lone Republican that voted "Aye"-- Representative Joseph Cao of Louisiana--
Well, perhaps a brief note about this RINO to the Republican National Party would be in order.
The Republican party doesn't need any more "closet Democrats".
Actually, we don't need Republicans or Democrats in office. We need conservatives (which I define as fiscally conservative and pro-small government).

The next step? Well, writing/calling/emailing the Senate, of course!!


  1. "Democrats who bravely voted as their constituents asked them"..."They did not cave to other Democrats, Madame Pelosi, or President Obama."I find it interesting that you thank the Democrats who voted the way there constituents wanted them to but then get on Rep. Cao's case for voting the way his constituents wanted him to. Rep. Cao did not cave to other Republicans or Majority Leader John Boehner.It's obvious you are all about democracy only when it benefits your position.

  2. Sorry, I didn't make any comment about whether Rep. Cao voted with or against his constituents.
    I only commented that the Republican Party didn't need any more RINO's.
    And I do definitely believe that our country needs fiscally conservative, small government, pro-capitalism folks in charge.
    Oh, and BTW--since the majority of the country is AGAINST Obamacare--it's not too great a leap to think that, perhaps, even Louisiana might be against Obamacare too.

  3. Oops, the above post is from Jane, somehow my middle name slipped in there...

  4. It is impressive that Speaker Polosi was able to get a majority of the Houseto vote in favor of a bill the majority in the House do not support. There is no support in the Senate for the public option and little support for the multi trillion dollar price tag. I would not expect to see a bill come out of the Senate in 09 and perhaps not even in this Congress.

  5. Everyone says "Obamacare" but he has never put forth a health-care bill. As for "since the majority of the country is AGAINST Obamacare" show me a poll which proves that. GALLUP says otherwise and that is the most accurate, and respected poll. Based on the demographics of Louisiana, especially Rep. Cao's district, it would be an astronomical leap to think they are against it. Plus, polls already say they support it.

  6. Anonymous,
    If you'd like to desist with red herrings, you may of course link to the polls to which you are referring.
    The latest Gallup Poll I found (this week) shows that Americans don't want the federal government to make sure all citizens have health care--
    Looking at a previous poll--
    Americans wanted health care for all, but were opposed to the present proposals by Congress and supported by Mr. Obama.

