Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

Thank you, veterans

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ten Reasons to Vote Conservative

In no particular order:

1. The Economy: The dollar keeps losing value on the world market. Unemployment and under-employment is at 17%. Taxes are going up on January 1st--not just for the so-called rich, but for EVERYONE. The private sector is not creating jobs. The stimulus spent billions of dollars and did not work.

2. National Security: Well, says Democrat congresswoman McCollum, Al-Qaeda is no longer our enemy. So why are they sending bombs by cargo planes? And besides, said Brennan(assistant to the President on counterterrorism) the real enemies are Mr. Obama's critics that just "serve the goals of al-Qaeda."
So, we're the enemy--besides, that is what Mr. Obama just said last week when meeting with Latino-Americans.
Which leads to another important issue--

3. Border Security
Way back in May, the Department of Homeland Security informed the state of Arizona that a Mexican drug cartel was planning a incursion into Arizona, close to Phoenix, to kill those who were opposing their smuggling operations.

Fortunately, the tip proved to be wrong. Now, the point of this story is NOT that the Department of Homeland Security got it wrong. The point is what they DID about the threat.

When Arizona requested troops to help out, the Obama Administration instead offered another solution to this danger.

They put up 15 signs informing United States citizens that they might encounter "armed criminals" and "smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed."
Ha! Take THAT, drug cartel commandos!! Now, do you feel safer?
4. We, The People Are Not Stupid

A pet peeve of mine, admittedly.

You and I are not stupid. But according to Representative Oberstar (D-Minnesota), if you don't endorse cap-and-tax, you are just part of the "Flat Earth Society."

President Obama insists that voters are reacting to their "fear and frustration" and are unable to respond to the Democrats' "facts and science" because, basically, we just can't think straight.

Senator John Kerry also blames the voters: “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening.”

And lest we forget Vice-President Biden....well, he opined that Democrats are not running on their achievements of the last 20+ months because "it's just too hard to explain" to us idiot voters. And besides, as Biden told Democratic supporters at a fundraiser, "You're the dullest audience I've ever spoken to."
Question: How would he know?

5. Health Care: Premiums costs are going up. Choices are less. Medicare for our senior citizens is being cut. Hospitals are closing; other hospitals are letting workers go since Obamacare is cutting their reimbursements. 'Nuf said.

6. The Rule of Law (or, Why the Constitution is Important): Czars are taking over jobs that should be decided by our representative government. Bills are being passed in the middle of the night without being read (remember Madame Pelosi's famous words?) As Democrat congressman (Illinois) Phil Hare said, "I don't worry about the Constitution."

7. Integrity and Transparency: See above.

8. Czars: Paid for by we, the people, with lots of power but no oversight by our elected representatives. Besides, they are nutty and/or sleazy or worse.

9. Our Allies: Let's insult them with DVD's of Mr. Obama's speeches. Or by sending them back gifts from 50 years ago.

10. Time to vote out the Entitlement Mentality of our elected representatives: Such as Madame Pelosi's use of a government jet. Or the forthcoming junket of President Obama that will cost we, the people over 200 million dollars per DAY.

