Sunday, June 12, 2011

And More News: Third-Year-In-A-Row Trillion Dollar Deficits!

The deficit is almost a trillion dollars right now, with 2 and a half months to go.

And if you look at the figures, it's not lack of income to the U.S. Treasury (as some Democrats are claiming).  Revenue is actually up

The problem is SPENDING. 

Democrats are now pushing another stimulus package to work on infrastructure, along with new Tax Increases. 

Woo, Hoo! Electricity Costs Set to Skyrocket!

This news just in time for the Fourth of July.

Then-Senator Obama, in a January 2008 interview, promised that his policies would send electricity rates soaring:  "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Likewise, Obama vowed to "bankrupt" coal-fired electrical plants: "So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them."

With Cap and Trade (aka Cap and Tax) regulations voted down in Congress, President Obama has used the EPA to come up with multiple new regulations that will stifle coal-burning electrical power plants.

There are about 600 coal facilities in the U.S. which produce about half our electricity.

American Electric Power, one of the largest producers of coal-generated electricity, states it will close 25% of its coal-burning plants and spend billions upgrading other plants. 

Prices of electricity are estimated to rise 40-60% by 2014. 

President Obama wants to look at other sources of clean energy--for example, electricity for cars. 

My question:  Exactly where will that electricity come from?

Just wonderin'....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Economy and the President

President Obama used to receive daily economic reports.

No more.

He quit worrying receiving those a while back.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Arab Spring: It's Sprouting Nazis

A group, claiming that the Nazi Party was operational though underground,during Mubarek's tenure in office, has come forward to announce its revival.

The Middle East has a long history of collaboration with the World War II Nazi regime.  During WWII, Muslim religious leaders accepted money and help from Nazi Germany.  After WWII, many Nazis fled to Egypt and hid there, often becoming devout Muslims.  Others became active in the Palestinian Liberation Organization, helping with military training. 

A 1953 commemorative letter from Anwar Sadat to Hitler praised Hitler for his fight against Jews.  In 1999, Hitler's Mein Kampf was translated into Arabic and disseminated by the PLO.

This is the Middle East that President Obama has extolled as becoming more democratic. 

This is the Egypt that President Obama would forgive $1 billion dollars in debt and give out $1 billion more in economic aid.

This is the Middle East whose barbaric slaughter of protesters, "virginity checks" on women in the streets, and rape of an American reporter Mr. Obama paints as mere aberrations, stating "that at times our friends in the region have not all reacted” in accordance “with the principles that I've outlined today."

This is the Middle East that President Obama compares favorably to our American Revolution.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Today is the 67th anniversary of D-Day.

On June 6, 1944, more than 150,000 men--Allied troops from America, Great Britain and Canada--landed on the coast of Normandy, France to begin the fight to defeat Nazi Germany.

Five thousand ships and 13,000 planes joined in this attack.

Due to their, and many other thousands and thousands of brave men's and women's, bravery, the evil forces of Nazism were broken.

Yes, it WAS evil.  The Nazi leaders were against free speech, freedom of religion, and so many of the liberties we here in America hold dear.  They were racist, without mercy, and violent.  Hitler and his regime needed to be vanquished.

From General Eisenhower's speech:
"I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!
Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Obamacare: Obama Solicitor General Tells You How to Avoid Mandates

Neal Kumar Katyal, the acting solicitor general for President Obama, under questioning by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, revealed how individuals can escape mandates (or being forced to buy health insurance).

Just make less money.

Of course, the real question is whether Congress has the power to make you purchase something.  The SG's argument is that everyone will eventually use health care; thus, Congress has the right to force you (mandate) to buy health insurance.  THEIR health insurance.

The judges kept asking the Solicitor General Natyal where is the line or boundary that separates congressional mandate from willy-nilly interference in every aspect of your life.

The answer, of course, is that with Obama's idea of governmental powers, there are no boundaries to keep the federal government out of your private life.

The Economy----AGAIN


Unemployment has risen---It is now 9.1%.

The stock market is falling.

Housing prices have fallen to 2002 prices.

Is this President Obama's idea of a "Summer of Recovery"?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tsk, tsk, from the Brits...Bad Manners, Mr. President

British newspapers slam President Obama for playing golf----after the traditional laying of the wreath at Arlington Cemetery----on Memorial Day (the second Memorial Day that he has played golf), stating, 

"The president’s actions smack of poor taste, as well a lack of empathy and support for the US military, hardly the kind of leadership the White House should be projecting at a time of war."

In contrast, the First Lady quietly visited wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The President and the Law: Libya (AKA Libya, Where Art Thou?)

Have you heard much about Libya?


Well, let's fill in the blanks:

If you don't remember, President Obama, under pressure from European allies, ordered air attacks on Libya as a "humanitarian effort." 

Obama ordered these attacks under the War Powers Act (or WPA).

Now, many,many people feel that the WPA is unconstitutional, as it allows the President to declare war, which under the Constitution is reserved to Congress.

But, WPA is the law of the land at the moment.

However, WPA limits the President's power to order out troops.  He may only instigate combat if  there is a "national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.” 

That doesn't seem to fit in Libya.

The WPA also said that the President can start a war under the direction of Congress, i.e., if there is (1) "a declaration of war {by Congress}, or (2) "a specific statutory authorization" {again, by Congress' authority}.

Furthermore, Obama KNOWS that this is illegal, as he said in 2007, The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

Now, to add insult to injury, the WPA also specifies that the President must ask Congress for approval to continue combat, OR withdraw the troops he's ordered out.

That deadline was May 21st.

So, did President Obama ask Congress' permission?  In a word, NO.

Obama is acting against the law of the land. 
Sending our men and women into harm's way in a totally unlawful and unconstitutional war.

Furthermore, Congress has said nothing about this flagrant abuse of power.  Nada.  Zilch.

They are as derelict as Obama.

Unexpectedly, the Economy is Worsening

Unexpectedly again.

The U.S. added only 38,000 new jobs in May, showing "that job growth is also weakening."

Lay-offs are rising.

Manufacturing fell sharply in May.

Housing "prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight," due to the huge numbers of  "houses for sale, foreclosures, tight credit and weak demand."

And to top it off, oil prices remain above $100 a barrel as the American dollar looks to weaken.

Taxes: What Do Democrats Want?

A top tax rate of 62%, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Today's top tax rate is 35%.

President Obama wants to raise Medicare payroll taxes, raise taxes on those making more than $250,000, end a number of income tax deductions, and end the cap on Social Security taxes (which can add up to 10% to your taxes.)

Obamacare has already put in place a 0.9% Medicare tax on people making $200,000 a year ($250,000 for a couple)--

plus Obamacare institutes a 3.8% investment tax starting in 2014.

Democrats are also looking at raising other investment taxes, such as capital gains tax--from 15% up to 23.8%, and dividend taxes--from 15% up to a whopping 45%.

On Medicare----"That's What Democrats Stand For"

Senator Charles Schumer (Democrat-NY) has proposed that doctors receive a flat fee for Medicare.

That is, if Grandpa has a heart attack, the doctor would only get a certain fee, regardless of whether his case was straightforward---or if Grandpa has complications that needed extra care.

Under Schumer's plan, Grandpa only gets routine, one-size-fits-all medical care.  There would be no money for individualized or innovative health care.

THE DEMOCRATS FORGET that doctors must make money in order to stay in business. 

So either Grandpa gets less care or must find someone who can afford to offer charity care.

EXCEPT, under current Medicare rules, doctors CANNOT offer free care. They must file and accept Medicare for all medical care for seniors. 

