Sunday, September 20, 2009

And Representative Wilson Didn't Lie

In my humble opinion.
President Obama, in his recent speech to Congress, stated that illegal aliens would not be covered by his health care proposals.
However, as mentioned before, the bills before the House and Senate do not specifically provide for a means to ensure that illegal aliens don't get coverage, which means, that TAA-DAA, no one can check who you are, and you can get the government to cover your health care!
And, the Democrats had blocked any efforts to try and put in a way to weed out illegal aliens.
But now, something even worse--in my humble opinion--
President Obama wishes to make all illegal aliens Legal.
He feels that the health care problem is so tremendous among illegal aliens that they must be immediately legalized.
So, no, Mr. Wilson, President Obama isn't going to have healthcare cover illegal aliens.
He's just going to have them become citizens, and then they are provided health care.
President Obama is just being terribly sneaky, underhanded and dishonest.
He just didn't actually let lying words pass through his lips. But the overall effect is dishonest.

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