Saturday, May 22, 2010

Weighing in on Arizona, Continued

Okay, let's move on---from our American leaders uninformed comments on the Arizona immigration law---to a few other comments on the Arizona law from----

1. Our own State Department---while talking to the Chinese about human rights, Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner brought up America's problems with discrimination, including the new Arizona illegal immigration law. Mr. Posner "brought it [the Arizona law] up early and a troubling trend in our society..."
So, Mr. Posner himself brought up the Arizona law to the Chinese as an example of America's human rights problems, while talking to the Chinese on issues of freedom of religion and labor rights.
Mr. Posner, however, forgot to mention China's enforced abortion policy, participation in human trafficking and slave labor, history of political executions, oppressive censorship, and discrimination against minority groups within China.
2. Next, comments from Mexico's president, President Calderon, who castigated the Arizona law (two different times) as racial profiling.
But what about Mexico's failure to protect its poorest and minority citizens in their justice system?
Or Mr. Calderon's failure to mention Mexico's draconian immigration laws?
Oh, and by the way, many Democrats in Congress applauded Mr. Calderon's statements during his speech to both houses:
3. Last but not least, don't forget the opposition to the Arizona law from Fidel Castro, who characterizes the Arizona law as "racist and xenophobic". Of course, little needs to be said about Cuba's poor civil rights record.

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