Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Thoughts About Arizona's New Law

So many are having thoughts about how horrible the Arizona law is--it almost seems that some folks are incensed that illegal immigrants should be stopped.
One of the favorites is to compare Arizona to Nazis--just like political conservatives and Tea Party members are compared to Nazis.
So, let's look at the Nazi laws regarding their own German citizens of Jewish heritage.
---Jews were not allowed to marry "Aryans"
---Jews had to pay special taxes
---Jews could not seek redress through the civil courts
---Jewish synogogues were destroyed
---Jews were segregated from "Aryans"
---Jews were not allowed to go to school

The Arizona law attempts to stop illegal aliens from entering the United States.
It prohibits human smuggling.
It prohibits hiring of illegal aliens (which is already federal law).
It prohibits racial profiling.
Anyone stopped by a law enforcement officer is considered a legal citizen if he/she has a US driver's license, US identification card, US tribal identification card, or any other US issued identification.
And, BTW, in 42 states, you are required to carry identification on you when you are out and about.
And legal residents are required to carry their ID (i.e. green cards) with them at all times by federal law.

So, does this Arizona law sound like Nazi Germany?
No, not in the least.
And it's not right to cheapen the sacrifices of so many people--Jews and anyone else considered "undesirable" who were murdured by the Nazis, plus all those who fought against Nazi Germany in so many ways (our brave armed forces, and those who risked their lives hiding and helping Jewish people throughout the war)--by glibly and ridiculously making this comparison.

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