Thursday, June 17, 2010

Whoa! Nellie! Watch out for the Constitution!

So many dastardly deeds....including....

#1) Assault on our First Amendment rights--the right to free speech:
The first curtailing of our free speech is the Administration's attempt to regulate the Internet. The FCC, despite a recent Court ruling that the internet is NOT a "telecommunications" service and thus NOT under FCC's control, just redefinied the internet as "telecommunications". And now plans to impose "net neutrality" rules which will allow the FCC to regulate speech over the internet.

#2) Another First Amendment problem: the DISCLOSE Act:
A bit ago, the Supreme Court struck down restrictions on free speech of corporations (both for-profit and not-for-profit) by allowing political speech by these entities.
Now Congress intends to bypass the Supreme Court decision by banning outright some forms of free speech by corporations and by enacting burdensome regulations on the free speech that would remain open to those corporations.
Of course, the DISCLOSE Act continues to allow unions to express their free speech, perhaps because unions are mostly voting Democrat.

#3) The unconstitutional actions of the President in demanding $20 billion from British Petroleum.
Mr. Obama has no Constitutional authority to unilaterally (without legislation via Congress, or without judicial review through the court system) take money from any corporation. It's illegal under our Constitution. As Ben Stein put it, "These are the acts of a big city boss or a third world dictator."

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