Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Further Episodes of "The Gulf Oil Spill"

I grew up on the Texas Gulf coast. I lived on Galveston Island for several years. I love fresh shrimp, fish, and crab. One of my favorite things is to ride the Bolivar Ferry. And my growing-up years were financed by oil.

That's the thing---our economy, in so many, many ways, depends on oil. So many people depend on oil for their livelihood. And just as many depend on other resources that the Gulf Coast yields.

Which is WHY the response of the federal government is so IMPORTANT.

Now, do I feel that it is necessarily only the federal government's responsibility to fix the oil
No, I don't. But the federal government should provide to the governors of the Gulf Coast states all the help possible. including the best technology and know-how available to counter the biggest oil-spill environmental disaster ever.

But, first of all, you don't add to the problems by stopping all drilling. Funny thing, Judge Feldman noted that the Administration had lied about the Panel of Experts from the National Academy of Engineering's recommendations, opposing a drilling moratorium. So Judge Feldman overturned the moratorium.

As noted previously, the Interior Department has had problems before, and was in need of a good cleaning-up. Apparently, despite Obama's promises, this hasn't happened.
So Interior Secretary Salazar says he will now issue another drilling moratorium. If this goes through, the effects on the Gulf Coast economy will be tremendous (in a negative sense).

Next, let's talk about how the government is doing in helping out with oil spill and cleanup.
The federal government was also unaware of resource available in the U.S.
Now the federal government has stopped building the sand berms that they had recently okayed.
And the federal government isn't even using the oil skimmers that are available here in the U.S.!!! In Florida, only 23 of the 2,000 skimmers in the U.S. are being used used off the coast of Florida.
Instead of leadership on this oil spill, this is what we're getting:
June 17: The President works on the lawsuit on Arizona
June 18: Baseball. And if I remember correctly, that beer was banned by Mr. Obama's physician.
June 19: Golf (six hours worth)
June 20: Day off for Father's Day. Disses BP exec for going on a sailing jaunt.
June 21: Mr. Obama hosts BBQ
June 22: Mr. Obama hosts Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender Bash.
June 23: Hamburger date with Russian President Mendevev.

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