Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is This, The KGB?

Companies that have asserted that the new government run health care rules will cost them money (lots and lots and lots of money) are being told they must appear before Congress and verify their claims.
Representative Waxman (D-California) complains that the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has already decided that health costs will go down--

{of course, the CBO has to "score" or decide on the costs of legislation only with the numbers that the Congress gives them--they cannot use any estimates of costs that contradict Congress when, for example, Congress uses money from unsubstantiated taxes or (basically) illegal sources. In order words, the CBO is hogtied by Congress}
{And, don't forget, no one, according to Madame Speaker, knew what was in the bill before it was passed--as evidenced here: http://politicopolitico.blogspot.com/2010/03/more-mandates-that-we-had-to-pass.html}
and so these companies must be wrong, wrong, wrong!
And, furthermore, these companies must bring along all sorts of internal memos, company records, etc, etc to "prove" their position.
And here I thought we had freedom of speech....

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