Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time to Write

Time to get out the ol' pen and ink and write about health care, which is coming up for vote (unless President Obama can manage to bribe enough people for "yes" votes and/or the Democrats can figure out how to weasel the bill through Congress).
This is what I wrote:

"I am writing to oppose government run health care.
As part of the huge majority of Americans that oppose this bill, I am writing to ask you to vote against this bill.
Any bill that is dependent on back room deals, bribes, and parliamentary tricks to get passed is not in the interest of the American people and should have no part of our democratic, republican system of government.
Thought I cannot vote for you, I can support your opponent, just as I monetarily supported Senator Scott Brown.
Thank you for your time"
Here's how to write: Go and put your zip code in the little box on the side bar, just to the right on this blog. This will take you to FOF's site on contacting your elected officials. Look at the top of the little box on that page--click on "Elected Officials" and then on ""Congressional Directory".

There you will find how to email or write each congressperson. Who to write? I'll get to that in a moment.

Click on "A or B or C...." (you get the picture). As you click on a name, you will go to another page that has a picture (note the guy without a suit on, looking like he just stuck some old snapshot--now, really!!) and will have a tab "Contact". When you click on that tab (look across the top), you can then click on "Contact" again. For many of the congressfolks, you can email them right from the website.

I chose NOT to send the pre-printed little blurb from FOF Citizen Action--instead, I chose "Write my own email" and then copied in my little note.

Not everyone will let you write them via email! (I'll get up a list of those folks later.) But many will let you email. So just do it!

Now, whom do you write?

Go to and you'll see a list of those who are voting "yes" to obamacare--I didn't write them.
I wrote those who are unsure ("toss-up"), "leaning No", and "Probably No".
Those who don't take email from non-constituents will get a letter.
That costs money to mail letters, you say?
Well, how much do you think new taxes, increased health insurance premiums, and fewer jobs are going to cost you?
Freedom is not Free.
PS Then don't forget to write your congressperson and thank them for opposing Obamacare if they have done so!

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