Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Fun

First--Last Week's Answer:
The Battle of Lexington!
This battle also goes by the moniker "The Shot heard 'round the World". This first battle of the Revolutionary War occurred on April 19th, 1775 when Redcoats marched on the tiny village of Lexington. The British Army believed that the patriots were storing powder and shot (ammunition)--which was true--and had discovered that John Hancock and Samuel Adams, both wanted by the British, were hiding there. Captain John Parker instructed his militia, or "minutemen", waiting to see if the British troops actually marched to Lexington, to "Stand your ground; don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
For more information on this important skirmish, see:

Next, what event do these two pictures portray?
Hint--this happened before the Revolutionary War!

All quite apropos, don't you think?

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