Thursday, January 28, 2010

OK, Let's Talk About Jobs....

...Or lack thereof.
First, one must understand that the government--federal or state--cannot create jobs that add to our economy. Government "jobs" just keep our taxes within the government. That money isn't even spent on stuff that government should do--like build highways and protect us from evildoers (of all sorts, including terrorists). Government cannot create jobs in the private sector. That's the definition of "private sector".
So all that stimulus money that went to prop up bankrupt state government is just that--letting bloated government entities continue paying people whose jobs are not adding to the country's economic welfare.
You could indeed argue that (most) of those government jobs are hurting our economy. Big government is forever the enemy of a robust and healthy private sector.
So President Obama's declaration that the "true engine of job creation in this country will always be America's businesses” is quite true--a fact that makes his demand for a jobs bill utterly astounding. What do you believe, Mr. Obama?
And his continued contention that the stimulus bill created 2 million jobs is pure fabrication. So much so that the White House doesn't even use the moniker "jobs created and saved" anymore. So much of the stimulus money has just disappeared down rat holes --and to non-existent congressional districts and zipcodes. Mr. President, we've lost 3.4 million jobs--and 2.7 million jobs since the stimulus bill was passed.
And he wants another stimulus bill, plus a jobs bill?
Mr. President, we can't afford it, in more ways than one.

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