Monday, June 22, 2009

Let's Cause more Pain for Americans

Sometimes that pesky federal government makes me so mad I could just....expectorate!
The next thing up from President Obama is the Waxman-Markley Bill.
The goal is to produce less greenhouse emissions, or carbon dioxide. Part of this bill requires such things as new types of fuels and more electricity from renewable resources.
The second part of the bill is the "Cap and Trade" proposals. Basically, this places a limit on the carbon dioxide allowed. "Cap and Trade" is essentially a tax on all processes and sources of energy that produce carbon dioxide. Which, amazingly, is almost everything!
What would be the result of "cap and trade"? Well, the economy would suffer from greatly increased energy costs.
It is predicted that energy costs would rise by over $1500 per family per year between 2012 and 2035!
Employment will decrease by over 1 million jobs per year between 2012 and 2035!
This act will increase the national debt by 26 percent, on top of the already trillions of dollars in debt!
And all products that use energy to be produced--and that's everything I can think of--will cost more.

Mr. Obama himself pointed out that prices must "skyrocket" for cap and trade to suceed in driving down greenhouse gases--in other words, the consumer must be forced, by increased "ouch" to the pocketbook, to hold down his consumption of energy.
Ouch is right. And for basically no results. Climatologists calculate that these measures will lower temperatures by less than 2/10 of a degree by the end of the century. And many other scientists feel the earth is now undergoing global cooling rather than warming!

May I make a suggestion? Go to and when you see the banner titled "Help Stop the EPA" come up, click on "Help Stop the EPA Here" and sign the petition to stop cap and trade.
And don't forget to write your senators and congressman!

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