Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fireworks on the Fourth

Well, lovely readers, I will be gone on the fourth of July to India. Read more about it on my other blog http://passingallunderstanding.blogspot.com/. However, rumor has it that Hawaii may get a special fireworks display on July 4th, courtesy of North Korea.
North Korea, according to Japanese intelligence, is threatening to shoot off a missile toward Hawaii in early July. Japan, understandably enough, is concerned because said missile will go right over Japan--and North Korea missiles aren't known to be completely accurate, though there has been a plethora of missile launchings from there lately. Maybe they'll improve with practice.
On the other side of the world, Iran was able to use missile technology to put a satellite into space in February.
Defense Secretary Gates' announcement of increased missile defenses in the face of the North Korean threat is disingenuous. In fact, the Administration has reduced funding for anti-missile defenses. While the Pentagon feels that current budget is adequate, I must say that I am concerned. Many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have questioned the cuts in defense spending.
Do you remember Teddy Roosevelt's words? "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
Fox News


  1. Or, more recently "Peace through Strength" from Ronald Regan?

    I'd like strength and a big stick thankyouverymuch.

    I'm enjoying your blog Jane!

  2. Dear Tricia,
    Thank you for your kind words!
    Hopefully, I'll get to blog a bit while in India.
    I too believe in "peace through strength"--

