Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Proposed Republican Budget

Congressman Paul Ryan has set out a new budget for the United States which cuts $4.4 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

FINALLY, someone in D.C. is really getting serious about this debt. The United States government hits its debt ceiling May 16th, according to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. That's the date that, basically, the U.S. government defaults on all its loans. Currently, the debt is set at a ceiling (a "debt limit") of $14.29 TRILLION DOLLARS. Face it, we can't pay back that much money. So why in the world do Democrats want to raise the debt limit?

Writing to Congress, Mr. Geithner penned, “I hope this information is helpful as you plan the legislative schedule for the coming weeks.” Don't worry, Mr. Geithner, We, The People, will be watching "the legislative schedule" and discourses in the next few weeks.

Going back to Mr. Ryan's proposed Path to Prosperity, let's look at a quick pictorial view of our economic situation: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703806304576242612172357504.html

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