Monday, April 4, 2011

Egypt Going Democrat??

Okey, Dokey, let's see how those democratice movements are going over in the Middle East and Africa. We'll start with Egypt. First, the military took over Egypt, suspended its constitution, " raising questions about how deeply the military understands the democratic process and the demands of modern politics." The military did promise election within six months, which has allowed the previously-outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to rise in power. Apparently in cahoots with the military, the Muslim Brotherhood aims to be voted into power in the upcoming elections. What is the Brotherhood? The Muslim Brotherhood aims to impose Sharia law in Egypt, and espouses jihad and "radical transformation" of Western and more liberal Islamic societies. Practical Outcomes of Increased Islaminization (is that a word?) of Egypt

  • An election hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood calling for quick elections--which will help the Brotherhood gain political power, since they're by far the most organized political party and are ready for elections, unlike other political parties

  • Arrest of eighteen women protesting in Tahrir Square in Cairo, who were then beaten, shocked, strip-searched and then subjected to "virginity tests".

  • A call to war against Israel.

  • A return of al-Qaradawi, "widely considered the preeminent Muslim Brotherhood theologian", who praises Adolf Hitler for exterminating Jews, and has been banned from the United States for advocating violence against the West.

What's your bet on the results of this "democracy movement"?

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