Friday, February 12, 2010

Incompetent At Best

That's how I might describe Attorney General Holder's dithering on holding civilian trials of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and four other terrorists in New York City.

It's reported that the White House was unable to muster up enough political support to try these admitted terrorists in the city of New York.
Political? I thought this was about justice!
Whether an enemy combatant is tried in military or civilian courts, we're supposed to have justice--and that's not a handmaid of politics.
Mr. Holder seems to suggest that the trial might be moved, even to military courts, saying, "what we have to ensure is that it's done as transparently as possible and with adherence to all the rules."
Mr. Attorney General, does that include prejudicing the jury? Or holding kangaroo courts here in the United States?
Because, that is what Mr. Holder has done, when he stated, "What I told the prosecutors ... is that failure is not an option. These are cases that have to be won. I don't expect that we will have a contrary result."
Then Mr. Holder goes on to say that the most important thing is "what the world sees in that proceeding."
Sir, I beg to differ, but our justice system is not up for the world's scrutiny. It only has to measured by our laws and by our Constitution.
And please stop blaming everyone else.

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