Thursday, May 31, 2012

Planned Parenthood's War on Women, with Assistance from the White House

Planned Parenthood has been caught, not just once, but twice, counseling women on the details of obtaining  an abortion in case the baby is a GIRL.

Yesterday the House voted on a bill that would ban abortions based on gender. The bill specifically excuses abortion providers from criminal action if the abortionist doesn't know if the abortion is based on gender of the baby.

President Obama has now stated his opposition to the bill. Specifically, the White House doesn't want to "subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision"....

...even though the doctor must "knowingly" perform a sex-selective abortion.

Perhaps President Obama doesn't want to tick off Planned Parenthood which is spending 1.5 Million Dollars on ad campaigns for Obama's re-election.

Interestingly, the bill also prohibits abortion on account of race or ethnicity.

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