Thursday, September 13, 2012

Woes and Troubles

Do you have a lot of questions about what's going in across North Africa and the Middle East?

I sure do.....

Like, why did this Administration ignore warnings for 48 hour that embassies in Cairo, Egypt and Banghazi, Libya were in danger?  Nothing was done to bolster security or provide defensive measures...Why?.

In fact, there WEREN'T any Marines in Libya. Why was that? Don't we know that Libya is not our friend anymore?

(Yes, well, I know that we got rid of Quaddafi for them--even though President Obama violated the War Powers Act to do so--and they had elections and all that--but election DO NOT equal democracy. Sorry, Mr. Arab Spring)

And those in Egypt had no bullets. Why was that?

President Obama has now sent  50 (count 'em, fifty) U.S. Marines to Libya. Only 50 against a big mob. My question is, why only fifty???  That seems a bit paltry. And did these Marines get any bullets?

Guess who was guarding the Libyan embassy? Libyans. Who came up with that idea?

Especially since the embassy seemed to contain sensitive documents that the Libyans weren't supposed to see.

And as for the President's remarks that the Libyans fought the mob....well, after some initial skirmishing, they fled...
After indicating where the Americans were hiding...
And those helpful Libyans who tried to rescue Ambassador Stevens and take him to the hospital?...
Well, after they raped him and killed him, according to foreign news sources.

Why is Obama trying to paint a picture that isn't true?

Also, why did Obama and Clinton yesterday keep repeating the mantra that "We must respect all faiths"...we can't "denigrate any faiths"?

Americans have the right of free speech.  That means we can talk about other faiths. That means we can say things others don't agree with or don't like.  That's our First Amendment right.

Besides, does Mr. Obama forget to apply this to himself? Such as when he denigrates Christians who "cling to their religion" because they are bitter?!?


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Planned Parenthood's War on Women, with Assistance from the White House

Planned Parenthood has been caught, not just once, but twice, counseling women on the details of obtaining  an abortion in case the baby is a GIRL.

Yesterday the House voted on a bill that would ban abortions based on gender. The bill specifically excuses abortion providers from criminal action if the abortionist doesn't know if the abortion is based on gender of the baby.

President Obama has now stated his opposition to the bill. Specifically, the White House doesn't want to "subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision"....

...even though the doctor must "knowingly" perform a sex-selective abortion.

Perhaps President Obama doesn't want to tick off Planned Parenthood which is spending 1.5 Million Dollars on ad campaigns for Obama's re-election.

Interestingly, the bill also prohibits abortion on account of race or ethnicity.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

So, Just What is the Truth?

Just the truth, please, President Obama.

Obama's literary agent in 1991 published an article stating that Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

Authors approve these releases. Now, then, which to believe?  And which is the lie?

More Loose Lips (That Sink Ships)

from Wikipedia

Well, Vice-President Biden had loose lips a year ago. (See here)

Well, he's not the only ones with loose lips.

The tell-all book about our country's anti-terrorist activities, by two New York Times national security reporters, was in fact based on information leaked by the White House.

The authors of  Counterstrike: The Untold Story of America's Secret Campaign Against Al Qaeda say that they immediately felt heat from the Pentagon for dishing too much operational info about the killing of Osama bin Laden."

Their reply to the Pentagon official?  “Your civilian leaders make choices about describing missions, perhaps for their own partisan political ends..."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sowing Racial Discord

You can't find a transcript of the speech, but Texas Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) jumped on the bandwagon of using Martin's death/killing to foment racial conflict.

sen royce west Sen. Royce West Challenges Texas Castle Law After Florida Shooting
 West, in a speech at Paul Quinn college, an historically black college in Dallas, spoke of "the assassination of Trayvon Martin" while questioning Texas' self-defense laws.

West was equating Texas' 'Castle Law' with Florida's laws, which in fact are quite different.

West joins other Democratic politicians and minions in using and misusing this unfortunate incident:

  • NBC edited the 911 tape of George Zimmerman's tape to advance the racial controversy.
  •  President Obama stirred the pot by equating himself and his children with Martin.
  •  Al Sharpton called for "civil disobedience" if Zimmerman was not arrested.
  •  The New Black Panther Party offered a bounty on Zimmerman, yet the Justice Department (under the leadership of Eric Holder) does nothing.
  •  Congressional members acted out: Representative Bobby Rush (D-Illinois) wore a hoodie on the House floor; Representative Maxine Waters (D-California) insisted this is a hate crime;  Representative John Lewis (D-Georgia) spoke of "black parents....realize that in the 21st century they may still live in a circumstance where the law is no protection, government authorities permit the worst violence, and little is done to enforce justice." 

The newest released evidence shows that immediately after the shooting, Zimmerman had cuts to the back of his head, a broken nose and black eyes.

I find Martin's killing tragic and appalling.  All killings are abhorrent and detestable. It's not how we are to treat each other. If Martin was killed in self-defense, that is awful also. Yet if this killing was in self-defense, then it's Martin's responsiblity.

Yet even more reprehensible is using this to create racial tensions and turmoil. Shame on West!

Why Do You Suppose Folks Perceive Obama as a bit Narcissistic?

Why would people think that?

Let us first look at the White House webpage of presidential autobiographies. I'm sure everyone (or most everyone) would agree that this is a useful and interesting source of knowlege about our Presidents. However, the site has recently been changed a bit. Here's some examples:

President Herbert Hoover: “President Herbert Hoover signed the bill founding the Department of Veterans Affairs July 21, 1930. President Obama is committed to making sure that the VA, the second-largest cabinet department, serves the needs.....

President Franklin D. Roosevelt: “On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors....

President Dwight D. Eisenhower: “President Dwight Eisenhower established the President's Council on Youth Fitness on July 16, 1956....Today the Council is still going strong—with Olympians and professional athletes on board—working in conjunction with the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative.....

President John F. Kennedy: "President John F. Kennedy famously suggested the American people: “Ask what you can do for your country.” In 1961, the Peace Corps was created, facilitating service among citizens working toward peace in developing countries. In 2011, President Obama celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps with a Presidential Proclamation."

And one more:

President Ronald Regan: "In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffet Rule."

Let us also look at President Obama's speech after the killing of Osama Bin Laden:
“Tonight, I can report . . . And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta . . . I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden . . . I met repeatedly with my national security team . . . I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action. . . . Today, at my direction . . . I’ve made clear . . . Over the years, I’ve repeatedly made clear . . . Tonight, I called President Zardari . . . and my team has also spoken. . .These efforts weigh on me every time I, as Commander-in-Chief . . . Finally, let me say to the families . . . I know that it has, at times, frayed. . . .”

And that of President Bush's after the capture of Saddam Hussein:

”The success of yesterday’s mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts.....The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime....Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate ‘em
So what do you think?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Warren of Lies

Elizabeth Warren, who is running for a Senate seat in Massachusetts, has been in the news lately claiming that she is 1/32 Cherokee Indian.

She bases this claim, according to genealogists at the (apparently) famed New England Historic Genealogical Society, on an 1894 marriage certificate (which doesn't mention the words "American Indian" or some-such similar wording) and a 2006 family newsletter (which other learned genealogists dismiss as "nothing more than rumor").

Also presented for evidence of Native American ancestry is the fact that Warren's cousin, Janyce Rowsey, edited a cookbook entitled "Pow Wow Chow".

I kid you not---you can't make this stuff up.

Warren, despite nothing to back up her claims, yesterday reiterated her claims to have Cherokee ancestry on CNN.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh, Yeah--Let's Give Money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, says Obama

President Obama is looking at ways to give the Egyptian government--run by the Muslim Brotherhood--up to $1.3 billion dollars in military aid this year.

The State Department just has to get around Congress' requirement that countries receiving military aid can only go to countries that give its citizens basic freedoms.

Secretary of State Clinton is supposed to "waive the requirement" next week.

The administration also plan to give $250 million dollars for "economic and political programs".

This is after the new Egyptian government has called for more belligerent actions against Israel last week, including deporting Israel's ambassador to Egypt, stopping natural gas exports to Israel, active "resistance" to Israel, and more.

Mrs. Pelosi (D-California) urged the administration on, saying that "the strength of Egypt, its stability, is important to the region and the world and we want to be helpful in that regard."
Remember when Obama said he would just bypass Congress?

Well, he has--and is.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


 Yesterday, President Obama campaigned on the promise he would issue an executive order to "expedite the southern half" of the Keystone Pipeline.

This is after Obama's all-out effort to quash the pipeline just recently.  Obama lobbied Congress hard to defeat it.

And Even More Ridiculous......

The southern half of the pipeline has already been approved and will begin construction  in June.

There's not a single thing Obama can do to "expedite" the pipeline.

He is simply "mis-speaking".

Sorta like when Obama insists that the pipeline's environmental impact hasn't been adequately vetted by the State Department.

It's simply not true.

The pipeline has undergone a three-year study to make sure it meets all the safety regulations. 

And when Nebraska expressed concerns about the pipeline crossing its Ogallala Aquifer and Sand Hills region, the pipeline was changed.

Despite the fact the the Department of State had already said there was no danger,

AND that multiple pipelines already cross these areas.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Real Problem: The Executive Branch is Out-of-Control

Here's the real deal:

The office of the President is grabbing all sorts of power that it does NOT have.

The push against the Roman Catholic church is simply the latest salvo against our rights as citizens.  The Roman Catholic church's belief is that contraception and possible abortificant pills are wrong.  Thus, Roman Catholic institutions don't offer these medications as part of their insurance plans.

Forcing them to offer these is against their official religious beliefs.  And, despite President Obama's so-called accommodation, this is what is happening.  Religious beliefs are being trampled upon. 

Whether Roman Catholic institutions "pay" for birth control or not, they are being forced to participate in this.  This "accommodation" is extremely disingenuous.

Let's take this one step at a time.

This is NOT an issue of whether most women (including Roman Catholic women) want contraception.  Apparently, most women practice contraception in America. 

This is NOT an issue of Catholic bishops forcing their beliefs down others' throats.  The bishops are not going to prevent any woman from obtaining birth control.  Period.

This is NOT an issue of preventing women from obtaining birth control.  Birth control is easily available.  Even more importantly, birth control is not really a health issue (despite what so many are touting), nor should it necessarily be an insurance issue.  Pregnancy  is not a disease.  And health insurance is for preventative care (such as mammograms and pap smears) or for very expensive or catastrophic medical expenses.  Birth control is not a catastrophic medical expense.

Let's look at this from another direction---

What right does President Obama have to force insurers to provide medications for free?

Absolutely none. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Uh, Mr. Obama, Birth Control Isn't the Problem

President Obama supposedly fixed the problem of forcing Catholic institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion services against their beliefs.

Now Catholic institutions will just have to buy health insurance that provides contraceptive and abortion services without cost to said Catholic institutions.  That's right, for free.

But the  insurance for Catholic hospitals, universities and etc. will still have those provisions.

And, who will pay for these services? One guess.

That's right!! The rest of us!!

But this is NOT the Basic Problem.

The problem is that the President has no constitutional power to tell religious institutions what they will or will not do.

NOR does he have the power to tell any of us what will or will not purchase.

NOR does he have the power to make laws.

NONE of this is constitutional.

Please go and take a look at this art work.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hey! Did You Know????

Well, you probably didn't.

No one is reporting this little item.  Not the mainstream media, not the majority of the conservative media.

You have to search to find this little nugget:

That President Obama was subpoenaed last week in Georgia over his eligibility to run for President.


And no, it wasn't about where he was born.

Contrary to what you might be thinking, the issue is whether Obama is a "natural born" citizen.  You see, his father, according to the birth certificate that Obama finally came up with (rather quickly, after all the hullaballoo about not being able to find it!) was NOT a U.S. citizen.

And according to the Supreme Court, in Minor vs. Hzppersett (1874), "natural born" citizens--who are eligible to be President of the United States--are those "children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."

That is, you are a "natural born" citizen if BOTH of your parents are U.S. citizens.

But, even that isn't really the issue.

The issue is that Obama feels himself above the law of our country.

Obama's attorney stated the President didn't have to attend.

The judge replied, in so many words, "show me where the President doesn't have to obey the law."   (My paraphrase)

So the lawyer went up to the state level and tried to get the President excused.  Sorry, said the Georgia Secretary of State, that's a judicial issue--go hash it out with the judge.

And so, Obama just ignored the judge.

President Obama did not show up for court, nor did he send any legal representation.  He just decided that the subpoena was not binding on him, the President. 

So, is our President above the law?  Seems so.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Obama is Going to Disney World

President Obama is going to Disney World tomorrow to talk about tourism.  He will be promoting "visa reform" for travelers from other countries to visit the U.S.

Obama's visa changes will probably be through executive order rather than through Congress.  Constitution, anyone?

 Unfortunately, tourists to Disney World tomorrow will lose their extra hours in the Magic Kingdom (a perk for those staying in the Disney hotels), will see the parade at a different time due to Obama's speech, and will have to endure extra-heavy security and loss of parking at the Magic Kingdom and the Contemporary Resort Hotel.

Freedom of Speech--It's One of Our Guaranteed Rights

Today, several big websites (including Wikipedia, Craigslist, and Google among many others) are having a "black-out" in protest against the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) bill.

This bill is ostensibly supposed to stop foreign counterfeit companies from selling pirated goods in the U.S.  However, it requires internet service providers to monitor and shut down--without due process--any sites suspected of selling counterfeit goods or even having a link to a real or suspected counterfeiting site.

This is using a sledge hammer to swat a fly, to say the least.

Very upset about this protest, former senator Chris Dodd (Democrat-Connecticut) lambasted these black-outs as "an abuse of power" and a “gimmick” “designed to punish elected and administration officials who are working diligently to protect American jobs from foreign criminals.”
Irony in action.

Mitt Romney Is Not Paying Less on His Income Tax

He is paying capital gains taxes.  Fifteen percent is currently the going rate for capital gains taxes.

BECAUSE that money has already been taxed, at the normal income tax level.

Capital gains taxes are lower to encourage investment, and because it's already had income taxes taken out.

You know, actually, the government shouldn't be able to tax your money more than once.  IMHO.

I Just Can't Stay Away...

But I WON'T talk about the primaries.

At least, not much
