Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Uh Oh, Is Holder in Trouble?

Attorney General Holder wrote a 5 page letter last week to Congress about Fast &Furious.

Holder blames Congress for Fast & Furious, stating that they won't fix loopholes that allow guns across the borders.

Of course, the DOJ (through its department of Alcohol, Tobacco &Firearms, also called "ATF") actually sold guns across the border--hard to fix THAT loophole.

Holder also blames the "politics" of Congress as contributing to Fast & Furious, as well as poor, not-strict-enough gun control laws.

He then again says he knew absolutely nothing about Fast & Furious until this year--despite the memos he received back in 2010.

Holder refers to Fast &Furious as a "regrettable incident". 

In the meantime, more guns have been discovered in the hands of Mexican drug lords.


The Congressional Oversight Committee, headed by Representative Issa (R-California), has now replied to Holder.  Here are some excerpts:

"It appears your latest defense has reached a new low."

"The facts simply do not support any claim that Fast and Furious did not reach the highest levels of the Justice Department. Actually, Fast and Furious did reach the ultimate authority in the Department - you."

"Unfortunately, the Department's cooperation to date has been minimal. Hundreds of pages of documents that have been produced to my Committee are duplicative, and hundreds more contain substantial redactions, rendering them virtually worthless."

"Mr. Attorney General, you have made numerous statements about Fast and Furious that have eventually been proven to be untrue. Your lack of trustworthiness while speaking about Fast and Furious has called into question your overall credibility as Attorney General."

Read the whole letter here.

1 comment:

  1. Hang Him (After a fair trial, of course)

