Friday, April 16, 2010

Something To Write About: Planned Parenthood

The United States government spends big bucks supporting Planned Parenthood.
This is absolutely deplorable, for several reasons. Reasons that need to be pointed out to our Congressmen and women, and this funding for Planned Parenthood ended.
What are these reasons?
1. Racism: PP was begun with eugenics against black people in mind, and this exists still. Last year, PP officials (from seven states) accepted donations (from an undercover investigation) specifically to reduce black births.
2. Violating mandatory reporting for statutory rape laws: PP has been caught repeatedly evading the reporting of statutory rape, which helps protects children.
3. Abortion: PP is the nation's premier abortion provider.
4. Raunchy and incredibly dangerous advice for young people, including the latest which promotes the "right" not to disclose your positive HIV status to your sexual partners. You might not want your sexual partner to know that you do IV drugs, or have multiple or same-sex partners, right?

So write your representatives and senators. We, the people, don't need to be funding this.

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