Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court Nominee

Okay, what about President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court of the United States?

Well, she has served as a judge for 17 years. She has experience as a judge. However, a quick look around the news sources reveals that Judge Sotomayor is not well-thought-of by fellow (Democratic) staffers, due to her seemingly poor understanding of the law and poor legal arguements.

Most troublesome, though, is her assertion that the appellate court should make policy, not just implement and interpret the law made by the legislative branch of the government. That's why it's called the LEGISLATIVE part of our government. Her stance is distinctly unconstitutional!

Legislating from the bench not only short-circuits the checks and balances that are written into our Constitution, it sets up a situation where the Law is made by individual justices and not by legislators who are elected and guided by us, the citizens of the United States.

This, folks, is not our republican democratic system set up by our founding fathers.

We don't need an "empathetic" judge (one of President Obama's descriptions), we need an impartial judge who tries to interpret and implement our Constitution in each case, according to the original meaning of the Constitution--to the best of his or her ability.

Suggestion: Write your Senator and oppose the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor as Supreme Court Justice.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, and it is very telling that her decisions are so often reversed by the higher court. She is not using the Constitution and established American law as her standard.

    Don't you think that President Obama's says just as much about him and his lack of respect for our Constitution? I am afraid that it does!!!

